Assorted felt sticks

Polishing felts, shank Ø 2.35 mm, cylinder

Polishing felts, shank Ø 2.35 mm, barrel

Polishing felts, shank Ø 2.35 mm, pear

Polishing felts, shank Ø 2.35 mm, drop

Polishing felts, shank Ø 2.35 mm, cone

Polishing felts, shank Ø 2.35 mm, trapeze

Polishing felt, drop, shank Ø 3 mm

Polishing felt, rounded arch, shank Ø 3 mm

Polishing felt, tree with pointed end, shank Ø 3 mm

Polishing felt, rounded cylinder, shank Ø 3 mm

Polishing felt, pointed cone, shank Ø 3 mm

Polishing felt, sphere, shank Ø 3 mm

Polishing felt, lens, shank Ø 3 mm

Polishing felt, wheel, shank Ø 3 mm

Polishing felt, trapeze, shank Ø 3 mm

Polishing felt, cylinder, shank Ø 6 x 40 mm

Polishing felt, cone, shank Ø 6 x 40 mm

Polishing felt, halfround, shank Ø 6 x 40 mm

Set Polishing felts, shank Ø 3 x 40 mm, Content: 14 pieces

Set of polishing felts, shank Ø 6 x 40 mm, Content: 12 pieces

Polishing felt lenses

Polishing felt rings

Brass filament polishing felt with shank, cylinder

Brass filament polishing felt with shank, pointed cone

Brass filament polishing felt with shank, trapeze

Brass filament polishing felt with shank, sphere

Polishing felt bodies (rubber holders with attached felt ring)

Felt sticks with shank, 30° slant

Assorted felt sticks with shank

Felt tips ROTAFLEX, self-adhesive
32 ud af 51 produkter