Steel needle file, flat, blunt- round edges, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 160 mm

Steel needle file, flat, pointed, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 160 mm

Steel needle file, halfround, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 160 mm

Steel needle file, crossing, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 160 mm

Steel needle file, triangular, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 160 mm

Steel needle file, square, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 160 mm

Steel needle file, round, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 160 mm

Steel needle file, beret, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 160 mm

Steel needle file, flat, shank Ø 2 mm, total length 100 mm

Steel needle file, halfround, shank Ø 2 mm, total length 100 mm

Steel needle file, round, shank Ø 2 mm, total length 100 mm

Steel needle file, triangular, shank Ø 2 mm, total length 100 mm

Steel needle file, square, shank Ø 2 mm, total length 100 mm

Steel needle file, flat, blunt, shank Ø 3.5 mm, total length 100 mm

Steel needle files, flat, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 85 mm

Steel needle files, halfround, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 85 mm

Steel needle files, round, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 85 mm

Steel needle files, triangular, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 85 mm

Steel needle files, square, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 85 mm

Plastic handle, shank Ø 3 mm

Plastic handle, tension area Ø 2.5 – 4 mm

Bæreværktøjer - brikker

Steel Riffler file, halfround, crossing, shank Ø 3 mm, total length 85 mm

Emery needle file set

Emery escapement file set

Escapement file, shank Ø 3.5 mm, total length 140 mm

Needle file, shank Ø 3.5 mm, total length 140 mm

Sanding stick made of wood, coating of silicon carbide

Diamond machine file DJA, flat, safe-sided file, shank Ø 3 mm, galvanic bonding

Diamond machine file DJA, flat, shank Ø 3 mm, galvanic bonding

Diamond machine file DJA, flat, safe-sided file, edge-cutting, shank Ø 3 mm, galvanic bonding
32 ud af 157 produkter