Ultrasonic cleaner Elmasonic Select

Product information "Ultrasonic cleaner Elmasonic Select"
The powerful and versatile ElmasonicSelect ultrasoniccleaningdevicesareequippedwitha frequencyof37 kHz, 5 ultrasonicmodesand thepossibilitytosave upto4 cleaningprogrammes. ElmasonicSelect isavailablewithtank volumesfrom3 to90 litres.

5 ultrasonic modes for best cleaning results and easy sample preparation

• dynamic - Combines the ultrasonic modes pulse and sweep to increase the overall cleaning performance
• pulse - Removes even stubborn contaminations through a pulsating sound field distribution
• sweep - Uniform distribution of the ultrasonic power for most cleaning tasks
• eco - For gentle cleaning with quiet operation and for a longer service life of the ultrasonic cleaning device
• degas - Quick degassing of freshly prepared cleaning solutions and (HPLC) samples


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